Lead base paint abatement is an industry in
which WSC personnel have been involved from the beginning, accomplishing
numerous abatement projects from small houses to very large commercial
and industrial facilities. WSC personnel are fully certified by state
and federal agencies keeping pace with the ever-changing requirements
set forth by EPA. Although lead improves paint performance, it
is a dangerous substance. It is especially damaging to children under
age six whose bodies are still developing. Lead causes nervous system
damage, stunted growth, and delayed development. It can cause kidney
damage and affects every organ system of the body. It also is dangerous
to adults, and can cause reproductive problems for both men and women.
Lead paint is particularly dangerous because it tastes sweet therefore
encouraging children to put lead chips and toys with lead dust in their
mouths. One myth related to lead-based paint is
that children must eat leaded paint chips to develop lead poisoning. In
fact, childhood lead exposure can occur by way of ingestion of lead dust
through normal hand-to-mouth contact during which children swallow lead
dust dislodged from deteriorated paint or leaded dust generated during
remodeling or painting Please visit our Asbestos and Mold abatement
pages as the process is similar.
Why Do You Need to Be Concerned About Lead?
Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in paint and other
products found in and around our homes. Lead also can be emitted into
the air from industrial sources and leaded aviation gasoline, and lead
can enter drinking water from plumbing materials. Lead may cause a range
of health effects, from behavioral problems and learning disabilities,
to seizures and death. Children six years old and under are most at
Most Common Sources of Lead Poisoning:
- Deteriorating lead-based paint
- Lead contaminated dust
- Lead contaminated residential soil
Savery Hall Exterior Lead
Abatement |
Savery Hall Exterior Lead
Abatement |
Aviation Monument (Strip Lead
Paint and Repaint) |
Aviation Monument (Strip Lead
Paint and Repaint) |