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WSC Spray and Pour in Place Urethane Foam

WSC, Inc. personnel are among the most experienced in the field of urethane foam application, including placement of spray, pour and froth foam systems. Typical applications include roof systems, tanks, cold storage facilities, fishing vessel installations, preinsulated piping systems or any other area where a specialized urethane application is required.

Foam is a thermoset cellular plastic created by a reaction between an isocyanurate and a polyol (resin). The combination of the two components causes an exothermic (heat generating) reaction which causes the solution to expand and form a cellular structure. This cellular structure gives foam its excellent insulating and airsealing properties.
Spayed urethane to the interesting shape of "Experience Music", Seattle, WA Sprayed urethane over mesh for bank stabilization Spraying urethane foam to roof Spraying urethane foam between joists in residence Sprayed urethane foam to insulate commercial crab cooker
Spayed urethane to the interesting shape of "Experience Music", Seattle, WA Spraying urethane over mesh for bank stabilization Spraying urethane foam and elastomeric coating roof Sprayed urethane foam between joists in residence Sprayed urethane foam to insulate commercial crab cooker


Highest Thermal Resistance

Our Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam Systems offer the best "R" values of any conventional insulation.

Air Barrier
Foam is also an unsurpassed air barrier. It does away with the need for expensive building wraps and eliminates the largest source of energy loss in the average home - the 30 to 40% typically lost through air leakage.

Air Sealing
foam can be used to air seal and insulate areas that are very difficult to air seal using typical methods. Areas such as floor joists set into concrete are effectively sealed with foam

Foam creates a comfortable draft-free, condensation-free environment in a single application. By sealing out dust, allergens, odors and pollutants, Urethane allows the air management system to be designed so that the indoor air quality is healthier than outside air. It does not emit gases or odors and offers no support to bacteria or fungus.

Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Roofing Systems

Our sprayed in place Polyurethane foam Roofing Systems are energy saving solutions to satisfy your roofing requirements (new or Retro-Fit).

Highest Thermal Resistance
Our Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam roofing Systems offer the best "R" values of any conventional insulation or roofing membrane materials. When applied above the substrate the Urethane roof system with its insulation properties, reduces thermal expansion, contractions and helps eliminate underside condensation.

Seamless and Monolithic: Because it is "Sprayed-in-Place", it reduces the chances for leaks and cracks.

Our Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems weigh about 1/10th of conventional built-up roofing systems without adding too much weight to existing framing members, thus reducing costly tear-offs. No heavy ballast is required with PUF roofs. Typical PUF roofs weigh only 50lb per 100 square feet compared to ballasted roofs weighing in at up to 1000 lb. per 100 square feet.

Recent UL testing proved that Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems could withstand wind uplifts of 160mph. Hurricane Andrew demonstrated that Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems performed without fail.

It adheres to most clean and dry surfaces regardless of incline. It can eliminate cant strips, reglets and metal flashing in most applications.

Ease of Maintenance
Repairs are easy because of the close cell formulation of the polyurethane foam which allows for quicker leak repairs. Periodic "recoating" can assure the greatest life cycle value. Exposed membrane inspections are quick and easy. Most urethane elastomeric top coats can be repaired by staff maintenance using urethane caulking.

Our Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam Roofing Systems have been approved by UL (Underwriters Laboratories), ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials), and state agencies.

Projects - A few of our many urethane foam projects. More available upon request



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